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Bulletin Issue9 - January?March 2003

Hijo de un barón del narcotráfico, amigo de comerciantes de dudosa reputación y un promotor de vieja data de grupos de paramilitares asesinos, Uribe...

Bulletin Issue9 - January?March 2003

The son of a landlord narco-trafficker, friend of dodgy businessmen and a long time promoter of right-wing paramilitary death squads, Uribe was elected by...

Issue10 - April - June 2003

Pacifist groups demonstrated on Monday against the Occidental oil company, which they accused of benefiting from and actively participating in Colombia's armed conflict. With...

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

Colombian unions have called for a year long boycott (starting 22 July 2003) of Coca Cola and their products, in solidarity with SINALTRAINAL, the...

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

Following the 10 July London Donors Conference, Uribe’s government, buoyed by the support of foreign governments and international financial institutions, has declared war on...

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

Bogotá The day started with a 10am press conference in the HQ of the CUT, an opportunity to tell the world’s media why we...

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

Who is there like Alvaro Uribe Velez? Who can stand against him? The mass media spend their days hopelessly trying to demonstrate that all...

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

All articles by members of SINALTRAINAL Attempted Murder of Coca Cola worker and Barrancabermeja SINALTRAINAL leader On Friday, 22 August 2003, at 12:10pm, a...

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

Funding for various projects, financed by Plan Colombia, have run into problems over differences of opinion between the US and Colombian administrations.

Issue11 - October ? December 2003

“The Heart of the War in Colombia” by Costanza Ardila Galvis Latin American Bureau, 2000; £11.99 Galvis´ book consists of ten internally displaced Colombians...