Brothers, sisters and comrades that are struggling today against neoliberalism and the injustice of tyranny in the world, I would like to convey my most sincere New Year greetings to all of you engaged in the hard struggle for liberty in each of your countries.
In this heroic and rebellious road against the evil of capitalism, on 24th December we found the Colombian government trying to privatise and liquidate the second biggest public service corporation in Colombia (Water, Drains, Electricity, Telecomunications). We were obliged to occupy the Municipal Adminstration Centre (CAM) of the city Cali, the second most important city in our country. Today we have completed 9 days and nights of resistance in a group of more than 600 Men and Women with popular support from the people. We are calling on solidarity from the international community to help us gain victory for a working class that resists misery and oppresion.
I wish a combative and happy New Year to all the comrades that I met in my temporary exile in Europe. I write to you from here in Cali, Colombia from the general occupation of the corporation in the hope that your struggles will also succeed and bring democracy to all Nations.
Yours fraternally,
Presidente Sintraemcali
Santiago de Cali, 2 January 2002.