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Insistent Black Eagles death threats against human rights and indigenous leaders in Valle and Cauca, Colombia

7 January, 2010

We, the organizations signing below, inform the international and national community of the following:

Texted Death Threats to Martha Giraldo and Aida Quilcue

At 9.39pm on 30th December 2010, the following text message was received by Martha Giraldo, coordinator of the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes Valle del Cauca branch (MOVICE), and Aida Quilcue, ex-leader of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) and the Minga of Social and Communitarian Resistance:

“guerrilla rats, this is how we wanted to have you, cornered and crying for help all over the place. MOVICE, ECATE, CUT, NOMADESC, death to you communist dogs.

Tonight at midnight we start with Martha Giraldo, Berenice, Luz Marina, Cristina, the Indian Quilcue, Yon, Posso, Wilson and with every one of your children.

Black Eagles cleansing the country of these communist sons of bitches, you won’t see the New Year.”

The message was sent from the same number which has been used to send previous threats to the same organisations.

<p>7 January, 2010<br /><br />We, the organizations signing below, inform the international and national community of the following:<br /><br /></p> <h3>Texted Death Threats to Martha Giraldo and Aida Quilcue</h3> <p>At 9.39pm on 30th December 2010, the following text message was received by Martha Giraldo, coordinator of the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes Valle del Cauca branch (MOVICE), and Aida Quilcue, ex-leader of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) and the Minga of Social and Communitarian Resistance:</p> <p style="padding-left: 60px;"><em>“guerrilla rats, this is how we wanted to have you, cornered and crying for help all over the place. MOVICE, ECATE, CUT, NOMADESC, death to you communist dogs.<br /><br />Tonight at midnight we start with Martha Giraldo, Berenice, Luz Marina, Cristina, the Indian Quilcue, Yon, Posso, Wilson and with every one of your children.<br /><br />Black Eagles cleansing the country of these communist sons of bitches, you won’t see the New Year.”</em></p> <p>The message was sent from the same number which has been used to send previous threats to the same organisations.</p>

7 January, 2010

We, the organizations signing below, inform the international and national community of the following:

Texted Death Threats to Martha Giraldo and Aida Quilcue

At 9.39pm on 30th December 2010, the following text message was received by Martha Giraldo, coordinator of the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes Valle del Cauca branch (MOVICE), and Aida Quilcue, ex-leader of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) and the Minga of Social and Communitarian Resistance:

“guerrilla rats, this is how we wanted to have you, cornered and crying for help all over the place. MOVICE, ECATE, CUT, NOMADESC, death to you communist dogs.

Tonight at midnight we start with Martha Giraldo, Berenice, Luz Marina, Cristina, the Indian Quilcue, Yon, Posso, Wilson and with every one of your children.

Black Eagles cleansing the country of these communist sons of bitches, you won’t see the New Year.”

The message was sent from the same number which has been used to send previous threats to the same organisations.


Telephone Death Threat Made To Human Rights NGO Nomadesc In Their Cali Office

At 1.18pm, 6 January 2011, Maria Yinet Lozano (Nomadesc secretary) received a call on the office landline (local number 893 5308), in which a male voice said:

“Grass sons of bitches, we know where you are, we’re coming for you”

The caller used a constant beep on the line in order to hide their voice.  This is the 12th threat that has been made against Nomadesc and other human rights organisations in Valle del Cauca and Cauca departments in the past year. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the Colombian authorities have made no progress in identifying who and where the text messages, calls, threats and harassment are coming from. Nor have they taken measures to protect those working for the defence of human rights in the region.

Human Rights Defender Martha Giraldo followed

The same afternoon, Martha Giraldo, of the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes (MOVICE), observed a man in worker’s overalls on a high-powered motor bike, and a white jeep with tinted windows, outside her house for about 3 hours. When the bodyguards who accompany Martha approached the man on the motorbike and the white jeep to find out who the people were and what they wanted, both fled the scene immediately. The bodyguards are part of Martha’s protective security scheme from the Ministry of the Interior; they reported the incident to the homeland security agency DAS (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad).

We are concerned that, although the repeated, frequent death threats against us have all been reported to the Colombian authorities, there has been no progress in identifying those responsible for committing and procuring the crimes.

We demand a full investigation and that those responsible are brought to justice.


  • Please write to the Colombian government as soon as possible to demand a full investigation to establish as soon as possible who is responsible for the threats, and to bring them to justice (see below for contact details)
  • Please demand that the Colombian government take immediate action to protect the lives of all those being threatened, and those of their families.
  • Please demand that the Colombian government do all in its power to protect the work of human rights defenders in Valle del Cauca and Cauca.
  • Please demand that the Colombian government put an end to the human rights violations occurring in this area..

Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible  / Sus pronunciamientos los puede enviar a:

To the relevant Colombian Embassy, in the UK this is:  MAURICIO RODRIGUEZ Embassy of Colombia at emails: and

(please send to both and copy to

(Signed: )

Asociación para la Investigación y Acción Social –NOMADESC-

MOVICE- Capitulo Valle del Cauca

Fundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos- Seccional Valle del Cauca –CSPP-

SINTRAUNICOL Subdirectiva Cali

Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad con Colombia-Nodo Valle del Cauca




Santiago de Cali, Diciembre 30 de 2010

Las organizaciones abajo firmantes les informamos que siendo las 9:39 p.m. del día 30 de Diciembre de 2010,  llego a los números de Celular de MARTHA GIRALDO del equipo coordinador del Movimiento de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado-MOVICE y AYDA QUILCUE ex concejera mayor  del Concejo Regional Indígena del Cauca CRIC y anterior vocera del proceso Minga de Resistencia Social y Comunitaria el siguiente mensaje:

” ratas gerrilleras asi queriamos tenerlos bien arrinconados y mandando auxilios a todo lado movice ecate cut nomadesc muerte a ustedes perros comunistas hoy media noche iniciamos con martha giraldo berenice luz marina cristina la india quilcu yon posso wilson y con cda uno de sus hijos si los tienen aguilas negras limpiando el pais de estos comunistas hijueputas no veran ano nuevo” Sic

Este mensaje fue enviado del mismo número celular que han enviado los mensajes anteriores: 315 8063805. En estos momentos estamos corroborando si llego a mas números celulares pero hasta el momento solo tenemos el reporte que llego a estos dos números.

Nos preocupa que pese a que se ha denunciado ante las instancias de investigación nacional como la Fiscalía General de la Nación. Aun no tengamos ningún resultado acerca de los posibles autores materiales o intelectuales de estas amenazas.


Investigación y sanción a los responsables.




Santiago de Cali, Enero 06 de 2011


Siendo las 1:18 p.m. MARÍA YINET LOZANO, secretaria de la Asociación para la Investigación Acción Social NOMADESC, contestó una llamada que ingreso al número de  teléfono directo 893 53 08  de la oficina  en Santiago de Cali, en la que  una voz masculina  decía:

“Sapos Hijueputas, los tenemos ubicados, vamos por ustedes.”

Además de la amenaza una interferencia de un pito,  al parecer como de un  fax era insistente, tratando como de distorsionar la voz.

Resaltamos que con esta llamada telefónica son 12 amenazas que Nomadesc y otras organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos del valle del cauca y cauca han  recibido en el último año sin que exista por parte de los organismos de investigación resultados concretos de la procedencia de estas llamadas, mensajes telefónicos, seguimientos y hostigamientos. Pese a la gravedad de la situación el  Estado colombiano no ha  adoptado medidas de prevención y atención que garanticen la labor de defensa de los derechos humanos.


Esta misma tarde la Defensora de Derechos Humanos MARTHA GIRALDO, del  Movimiento de victimas y Crímenes de Estado denuncio  un seguimiento de un hombre en una moto de alto cilindraje y  una Camioneta Blanca de vidrios polarizados que se estaciono alrededor de 3 horas frente de su residencia.

El  hombre que la conducía  la moto portaba un overol de trabajador; algunos de sus vecinos se atreven a decir que portaba  una sigla de parecida a la de  EPM en sus ropas.

MARTHA GIRALDO, cuenta con un esquema de seguridad otorgado por el Ministerio del interior, por ello  el personal encargado de su seguridad adelanto acciones para saber quién era el sujeto y que quería, pero tanto el hombre como la camioneta emprendieron la huida. Sus escoltas reportaron este hecho al Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad DAS.


Exigir a los organismos de investigación del estado establecer de manera inmediata la procedencia de estas llamadas y en consecuencia aplicar las medidas judiciales del caso.

Asociación para la Investigación y Acción Social –NOMADESC-

MOVICE- Capitulo Valle del Cauca

Fundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos- Seccional Valle del Cauca –CSPP-

SINTRAUNICOL Subdirectiva Cali

Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad con Colombia-Nodo Valle del Cauca

Sus pronunciamientos los puede enviar a:

Presidente de la República
Carrera 8 No. 7 -26 Palacio de Nariño Bogotá
Fax. 5662071

Vicepresidente de la República
Carrera 8 No.7-57 Bogotá D.C.

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