El Sábado, 13 de noviembre a las 19:00 – El 14 de noviembre a las 4:00
ITIS303 Art project
319 Camberwell Road,
United Kingdom
Make It Happen
It’s not just music, but empowering communities
…ISBO Presents
International School For Bottom Up Organizing
Soporte Klan
Artists Coming together to support the cause:
M C of the night Sabroso
Dj’s for the night playing to all genres, Aquiles, Chica, Prince Carlo, Cal.
19:00 – 20:00 Viewing of ”Mi Fink” & ”Arte y Trabajo Social”
20:00 – Alfredo Cordal performance poet
John Cueva folk singer
Asafo Gyata melodious poetry with a rhythmical kick
22:00 Zona Protesta (Hip Hop / Lyrical / Rap)
22:30 Jardares Por Fuera (Flamenco / Fusion)
23:45 Radio Revolucion (DrumBass / Punk / Reggae)
12:30 Jota Ramos (Hip Hop )
01:00 Lokandes (Fusion / NewWave)
01:30 Dj Cal Jaber Movimientos (Latina / RootsMusic / Tropical) and other dj’s will alternate until 4am
Latin Food will be available all night
Door: £5 donations
For more info: 07916747353 / 07989514437
This event was planned thinking about the people at the bottom of society.
”HAGA QUE PASE, NO ES SOLO MUSICA, ES COMUNIDAD” is a tour that has been organized to rais funds to support and strengthen the work of FUNDACION VILLA RICA & CAIS MALOKA, this 2 organizations work together with Afro decendants, indigenous and peasant families in the pacific of Colombia; in the recuperation of land and identity which maintains their culture and customs, promoting community development to become self sustainable and provides a look at the experience of traditional farms in the municipality of Villa Rica Cauca, a cultural practice that takes the issue of land rather than support, as a way of life, a culture and practice of freedom and autonomy.
”When we talk of landmark libertarian, I think it is as our community feels, to be free, we must keep our land because traditional farms has given freedom of our people ” Jota Ramos, from the Villa Rica Foundation & Soporte Klan,
International School For Bottom Up Organizers
Ours is an international struggle that must be led by the poorest and darkest, especially women. We all need the same freedom and equality; we all have the same oppressors, worldwide. Our movement will work toward an internationalist, egalitarian world. We foresee a world in which the genius and creativity of humanity is unleashed, in which all humans share and share alike, whether in starvation or in plenty: in which we are free to love and truly take care of one another. We realize that the “haves” are a ruthless enemy who will stop at nothing to keep their power and resources. We see examples of their viciousness, violence and greed all around us all the time. We are studying ways to prevent violent “legal” or illegal attempts from stopping our forward march to freedom and liberation. ISBO is focusing on creating and supporting organizing projects in the Americas. Our projects aim at creating self-sustaining prototypes in communities of the most oppressed, based on the egalitarian principle of each person contributing what they can and know how to do, and each person getting their fair and equal share of everything available in the community.
We base our organizing on principles of egalitarianism, equal voice, consensus decision-making and understanding the oneness of hue and class as instruments of oppression. We see that those at the bottom of capitalism’s heap are the folk with the darkest skin. We think that the capacity to be just is greatest among those who have been treated most unjustly; the capacity to distribute the world’s resources equitably is greatest among those who have been most denied those resources; the capacity to share and be inclusive is greatest among those who have been most discriminated against, most left out, locked out and despised.
CAIS MALOKA: www.caismaloka.com
FUNDACION VILLA RICA: www.fundacionvillarica.org
ISBO: www.peoplesorganizing.org
JOTA RAMOS: www.myspace.com/jotaramos
Soperte Klan: www.myspace.com/soporteklan