Emergency Proposal- Social and Popular Minga of Resistance
Faced with the irrational aggression of the state forces, which used rifles and tear gas canisters which had been stuffed with nails and pieces of glass, the indigenous movement and the other social sectors decided to leave the La Maria area and make towards Cali, Valle del Cauca department, with the aim of ‘walking the word’ as they went- holding public audiences with the communities in cities and towns as they went- in Santander de Quilichao, Villa Rica, Jamundi and Cali. They also insisted that the Colombian government meet with the assembly of the indigenous movement and other social sectors, and hear the demands and proposals of each of the respective sectors.
Talks with Uribe Fail
On Sunday, October 26th, 2008, 40,000 indigenous community members and various social sectors arrived to the large square of the administrative centre in
Human rights and international humanitarian law violations perpetrated by state forces against indigenous communities : A 12 minute video presented by the community proved the disproportionate use of force by state forces, proving once again in the recent manifestations that the state persists in its policy of systematic human rights violations. Using statistics and evidence, the community showed that the violent extermination to which indigenous communities are being subjected is a state policy, promulgated by accusations of guerilla infiltration of the indigenous community.
Unfulfilled Agreements: The community presented evidence of the long list of non-compliance with agreements made between the indigenous community and the state, amongst those the reparation for the 1991 Nilo massacre, which saw state involvement in the massacre of 20 indigenous community members.
Plundering Legislation: The community demanded the repellation of the legislature which attacks community territories and expropriates the nation’s natural resources, such as the proposed Free Trade Agreement with the United States the forests law, the rural statute, the waters law, the mining code, and the moorland law.
It was also insisted that the government signs the UN declaration over indigenous populations, and publicly retract before the national and international community the misguided accusations which attempt to relate indigenous authorities with insurgent groups- accusations which have sparked murders, attacks and threats against indigenous leaders by paramilitary groups and state organisms.
The Community’s Demands
The president again tried to turn the debate in La Maria into a ‘community council’. Upon being presented with the evidence of police and army abuses in indigenous territories, he insisted that there is no place in the country where state forces cannot enter, and that during his government he will not allow road blocks as a form of protest- showing a violation of international legislation and of international treaties relating to human rights and indigenous populations. He insisted on talking about the ‘bandits of the FARC who have done so much damage to the fatherland’, but didn’t respond to the Cauca Indigenous Leader Aida Quilcue when she asked him not to talk about the bandits of the FARC but about the community in front of him demanding their rights.
1. Continue an open debate with all organizations on the way to Bogota, with the aim of visibilising the human rights abuses and the non-fulfillment of agreements by the national government with indigenous, social and popular sectors.
2. Strengthen the social movement and co-ordinate, between different social sectors, joint incidence initiatives to halt the aggression against communities by state policies.
3. Demand that the Colombian state guarantee constitutional rights, and internal and international protection norms for economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.
2. Resource support- to help with transport, food, accommodation, logistics.
3. Accompaniment of national and international human rights organizations on the route, to carry out permanent observation and verification of events.
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