The Minga’s five principal demands are:
1. Rejection of the Free Trade Agreements that are being negotiated with Canada, the United Statea and European countries, because they threaten our territory and sovereignty, handing over the resources and natural wealth to corporate interests of tye multinationals and attack labour rights and the rights of peoples. We want treaties between the peoples and for life, not treaties against the peoples and Mother Earth.
2. We denounce, resist and demand the repeal of those constitutional reforms and laws of plunder that put at risk the survival of the peoples, such as the Rural Development Statute (Law 1152 of 2007) that directly violates ILO Convention 169, that ignores the fundamental rights of the indigenous and campesino communities and legalizes the robbery of land through violence. The laws of plunder should be replaced by laws that defend sovereignty and rights for the well being of the peoples. It is urgent that the Mining Code and the Water Plan be repealed.
3. No more terror and war, we reject the government’s policy of ‘Democratic Security’ and Plan Colombia, because it represents a strategy to invade our collective territories by repression, militarisation of social life and criminalisation of social protest. We demand truth, justice and integral reparations for the crimes committed against us.
4. We denounce the infiltration of paramilitarism in the Congress and in different [elements] of executive power.
5. We demand the fulfilment of the different accords and conventions that have been achieved through the peoples’ struggles over years, and which have been ignored and violated continuously and recurrently. We demand that the result of these struggles as represented in the accords and agreements be respected. In the case of the indigenous peoples the application of ILO Convention 169 and Law 21 of 1991, the full recognition o the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We demand the full implementation of the agreement made after the Nilo massacre and Decree 982 of 1999.
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