Activists recently infiltrated a BP recruitment event directed at Oxford University undergraduates. The event took place in the luxurious Randolph hotel where BP planned to woo potential employees with presentations presenting the oil giant as a dynamic, progressive and green employer.
The event proceeded disastrously with attendees challenging the sanitised portrayal of the company. “Do you teach new graduates how to train Colombian death squads” asked one student.
Activists gave their own presentation of BP’s activities around the world, why major oil companies are counter-productive to climate change solutions, and why any tempted graduates should reconsider their career options.
A representative of the Colombia Solidarity Campaign gave a presentation outlining BP acceleration of the human rights crisis in Colombia and the links between the company’s presence, paramilitary activity and the brutal suppression of opposition to BP’s activities. A moment of stunned silence was followed by applause as the re-educated audience abandoned the charade.
* See