"The army is behind my attempted assassination"
Wilson Borja, Congress Representative and president of state sector workers union Fenaltrase, has complained that Major César Alonso Maldonado – the highest ranked officer charged with planning and executing the attempted assassination on Borja in December 2000 – has been released from detention. This will put Borja’s life in danger, beside demonstrating once again that the perpetrators of Borja’s assassination attempt will be granted impunity as a matter of state policy.
Borja is very suspicious that the removal from office of Attorney Fiscal Luis Augusto Sepúlveda was immediately followed by Major Maldonado’s release from custody. Sepúlveda was dealing with Borja’s case and had ordered a criminal investigation against Generals Jorge Enrique Mora Rangel and Reynaldo Castellanos Trujillo for their links with the attempt on his life.
Borja has also named Army Counterintelligence Officer Julio César Bustamante who has detailed how several senior offices were involved in the assassination attempt.