After the success of the SINTRAEMCALI occupation Alexander didn’t even pause for breath. In 28 days the campaign gained more support than the establishment politicians had in a year, and after they had spent millions of pesos.
Alexander’s campaign was financed by bonos, individual donations by thousands of workers. It’s headquarters was the home of an old age pensioner. The campaign mobilised in the communities, and held a mass rally of 15,000 people. It’s leaders were continullay followed by the military intelligence, trying to deter people from meeting with them, nonetheless over a thousand activists joined the Social and Political Front team.
Alexander’s main campaign slogan was ‘Dare To!’. It is a big risk for him to go parliament, everybody knows what might happen. That is why there is a strong tradition of abstentionism, not only on the left but amongst the majority of the population. Most of Alexander’s votes came from people who had voted for the first time in their lives. He pledges to be with the people every step of the way. He will work for the people.
The Front is a process of fusing the social and poliical. Our delegation met different many militants, the most common theme is that they are preparing to confront fascism, as this leader explains:
‘Uribe Velez will be right wing, more so than even the previous right wing governments. What we are facing now is the state linking with a deep right wing perspective with some of the security forces that could be characterised as involving fascism in Colombia. Open fascism, that is an open state – fascist link. The biggest electoral results in the recent campaign are for army generals. The paramilitaries claim influence over 35% of the elected Congressmen. The paramilitary struggle has come to Parliament.
Also there is North American policy, as it is elsewhere in the Third World. And this has a lot to do with the attitude of the government [in Colombia]. The New World Order means a really cruel policy. That is what we are facing.’
Andy Higginbottom