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Urgent Actions


At about 4pm on 27th September 2007, ANDRES DAMIAN FLOREZ RODRIGUEZ (son of JOSE DOMINGO FLOREZ, a worker at a Coca-Cola bottling plant and a leader of the trade union SINALTRAINAL) was returning from college to his home at No 204-102, 38th Avenue in the Andes barrio of Floridablanca in Santander when he was accosted by three individuals from a black van, they were carrying arms, communications radios and were wearing balaclavas. The three men took Andres in the van by force, threw him on the vehicle floor and started hitting him.

<p>At about 4pm on 27th September 2007, ANDRES DAMIAN FLOREZ RODRIGUEZ (son of JOSE DOMINGO FLOREZ, a worker at a Coca-Cola bottling plant and a leader of the trade union SINALTRAINAL) was returning from college to his home at No 204-102, 38th Avenue in the Andes barrio of Floridablanca in Santander when he was accosted by three individuals from a black van, they were carrying arms, communications radios and were wearing balaclavas. The three men took Andres in the van by force, threw him on the vehicle floor and started hitting him.</p>

At about 4pm on 27th September 2007, ANDRES DAMIAN FLOREZ RODRIGUEZ (son of JOSE DOMINGO FLOREZ, a worker at a Coca-Cola bottling plant and a leader of the trade union SINALTRAINAL) was returning from college to his home at No 204-102, 38th Avenue in the Andes barrio of Floridablanca in Santander when he was accosted by three individuals from a black van, they were carrying arms, communications radios and were wearing balaclavas. The three men took Andres in the van by force, threw him on the vehicle floor and started hitting him.


During this journey one of the assailants called on the radio and said “we’ve got the S O B, what should we do with him?”. The response from the other end was, “take him for a ride, give him a belting and leave him with the message”. The voice from the other end of the radio added, “tell him to tell his Dad that we won’t rest until we see him cut into pieces”. The assailants threw Andres out of the van at a place called Palenque on the road to Lebrija, opposite the mechanics workshops just after the interchange bridge.

This new incident against Coca-Cola workers in SINALTRAINAL and their close family members occurs after repeated death threats. Threats have been received on 10 February, 26 July, 9 August, 13 August, 20 and 25 September 2007.

This throws into relief the fact that on 24 September 2007, we communicated to Coca-Cola that SINALTRAINAL has re-launched its worldwide protest campaign.

We denounce transnational corporations for their policy of violating human rights, and we do not back away from this in spite of the threats and anti-trade union repression that has been perpetrated against SINALTRAINAL members.

We demand:

  • That Coca-Cola corporation and the Colombian State cease all repression against the workers,

  • That the material and intellectual authors of this persecution be investigated,

  • That the rights to life, association and trade union freedom be guaranteed.


Yours sincerely,






SINALTRAINAL Presents Full Complaint to ILO

On 18th September SINALTRAINAL lodged a formal complaint agianst the Internacional Labour Organisation (ILO) citing both Coca-Cola and the Colombian state authorities for victimisation, delegitimising the exercise of trade union rights and, finally, the destruction of the trade union inside the corporation. 

Death Threat from Paramilitary Black Eagles

At 12.30 on 25th September de 2007 a death threat was left at the office of SINALTRAINAL in Bucaramanga and was discovered just after local leaders DOMINGO FLORES, NELSON PEREZ and LUIS EDUARDO GARCIA had attended a forum to discuss candidates in the upcoming elections for city Mayor and the Governor of Santander …

SINALTRAINAL due to Testify against Paramilitaries

This new death threat occurred the day after SINALTRAINAL attended a court hearing in Bogotá, in the ILO offices, convened by the Circuit Judge of Valledupar, where union President LUIS JAVIER CORREA SUAREZ and other SINALTRAINAL members and their families are witnesses against the paramilitaries responsible for the assassination of union militant Luciano Romero.


Please send URGENT ACTION messages:

Expressing your concerní at the kidnapping and torture of ANDRES DAMIAN FLOREZ RODRIGUEZ, and with the above demands to:

Presidencia de la República Dr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez,
Cra. 8 No..7-26, Palacio de Nariño,  Santa fe de Bogotá.
Fax: (+57 1) 566.20.71

and to Colombian Embassy in London
with copies to  Sinaltrainal Internacional [] and to







El día 27 de Septiembre de 2007, aproxidamente a las 4:00 P.M. cuando ANDRES DAMIAN FLOREZ RODRIGUEZ, hijo del Trabajador de la embotelladora de Coca Cola y dirigente de SINALTRAINAL JOSE DOMINGO FLOREZ, venía de regreso del colegio para su casa de habitación ubicada en la Cra 38ª No 204-102 del barrio los ANDES de Floridablanca Santander, fue abordado por tres individuos quienes se movilizaban en una camioneta negra, portando armas, radio de comunicaciónes y pasamontañas, procedieron a subirlo por la fuerza y lo arrojaron al piso del carro, lo golpearon y durante el recorrido uno de los sujetos llamo por el radio y dijo “ ya tenemos ese HP, que hacemos con el”, al otro lado por el radio le respondieron, “denle un paseo, casquenlo y dejenle el mensaje”, el sujeto que hablo por el radio dijo “digale a su papá que no descansaremos hasta verlos descuartizados”, luego lo arrojaron del carro en el sitio el Palenque vía a Lebrija, al frente de unos talleres de mécanica que hay despues del puente del intercambiador.

Este nuevo hecho contra trabajadores de Coca Cola afiliados en SINALTRAINAL y sus familiares, se produce despúes de las amenzas de muerte recibidas en las fechas 10 de Febrero, 26 de Julio, 9 de Agosto, 13 de Agosto, 20 y 25 de Septiembre de 2007

Es de resaltar que el día 24 de septiembre de 2007,comunicamos a la empresa Coca cola que SINALTRAINAL retoma la campaña mundial de denuncia y hemos venido denunciando las empresas transnacionales por su política violadora de los Derechos Humanos y no cedemos ante las amenzas y la represión antisindical que se ha venido ejecutando contra los afiliados en SINALTRAINAL.

Exigimos de la empresa Coca Cola y del Estado colombiano cese la represión contra los trabajadores, se investigue a los responsables materiales e intelectuales de estos hechos, se garantice el derecho a la vida, de asociación y libertad sindical.






Enviar notas de protesta a Álvaro Uribe Vélez, Presidente de la República, Cra. 8 No..7-26, Palacio de Nariño, Santa fe de Bogotá, Fax: (+57 1) 566.20.71, E-mail: y a la transnacional Coca Cola.




18 de septiembre, 2007

SINALTRAINAL presenta queja ante la OIT contra el Gobierno de Colombia por inobservancia del Convenio sobre Libertad Sindical y protección del Derecho de Sindicalización 

“…es el objeto central de la presente comunicación, tanto la empresa Coca Cola, como autoridades estatales,  han implementado diversas medidas internas para lograr la desvinculación de trabajadores sindicales, victimizacion de los mismos, y la deslegitimación del ejercicio de los derechos sindicales, y finalmente la destrucción de   SINALTRAINAL al interior de la empresa.”

Se ve el texto completo de la queja en la


El 25 de Septiembre de 2007, siendo aproximadamente las 12:30 M., Domingo Flores, Nelson Perez y Luis Eduardo Garcia, después de haber salido del Foro convocado por ASTDEMP con los candidatos a la Alcaldía de la ciudad de Bucaramanga y Gobernación de Santander …

Esta nueva amenaza de muerte se produce al día siguiente en que estuvimos en la Audiencia Pública en la ciudad de Bogotá, en el Centro de Servicios Administrativos Especializados de Descongestión de Organización Internacional del Trabajo ¨OIT ¨, convocados por el Juzgado Penal del Circuto de Valledupar, donde LUIS JAVIER CORREA SUAREZ y otros afiliados de SINALTRAINAL y familiares, somos testigos en el proceso que se sigue contra los paramilitares responsables materiales del asesinato del compañero Luciano Romero.

Favor dirigir las  ACCIONES URGENTES a los siguientes correos y direcciones: 

Presidencia de la República Dr. Álvaro Uribe Vélez,
Cra. 8 No..7-26, Palacio de Nariño,  Santa fe de Bogotá.
Fax: (+57 1) 566.20.71

Y a la embajada colombiana en Londres

 con copias a Sinaltrainal Internacional [] y a []

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