Open Letter to the Colombian Embassy in London (handed in on the 16th of November 2006).
We are writing to express our urgent concern regarding the grave deterioration of the human rights situation in Colombia and the precarious situation of the social movement. Taking into account detailed and confirmed reports of the escalating threats to life, we demand that President ALVARO URIBE VELEZ and Vice-president FRANCISCO SANTOS explain the reasons for the persecution of political opposition leaders, trade unionists, students and defenders of human rights.
We demand the Colombian Government takes urgent measures to guarantee the security and freedom of citizens exercising their constitutional right of opposition to its neo-liberal policies. We specifically demand:
* That Samuel Morales, Raquel Castro and all arbitrarily detained trade unionists be released immediately. We demand the Colombian Government takes urgent measures to guarantee the security and freedom of citizens exercising their constitutional right of opposition to its neo-liberal policies. We specifically demand:
* That Samuel Morales, Raquel Castro and all arbitrarily detained trade unionists be released immediately.
* That the security and the physical and psychological integrity, as well as the free exercise of their professions, be guaranteed for Berenice Celeyta, Alexander Lopez Maya, Carlos Gonzalez, Luis Hernandez, Martha Aschuntar and all those named in report ?FGN CTI SIA 358 and 359?); t hat the National Attorney General (Fiscalia) be asked to publicly clarify the origin of the information contained in the document; that the relationship between this document and Operation Dragon be investigated and that those responsible are investigated and judged in an open and exemplary manner.
* That the Interior Ministry continues to comply with the protective measures awarded in favour of Francisco Ram?rez Cuellar, Juan Carlos Galvis and all threatened social leaders in compliance with the cautionary measures decreed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and that all state authorities guarantee their security.
* That a prompt, efficient and transparent investigation is carried out in to the assassination of Julian Andres Hurtado in order to identify those responsible and to take appropriate legal action against them and that other students and family members of the Jhonny Silva Truth Commission be guaranteed their freedom and security to conduct investigations.
Some of the signatories so far:
Tony Benn
Bernard Cassen
Director General
Le Monde Diplomatique
Michael Clapham
Jean Lambert
John McDonnell
Augusto Montiel
MP Venezuela
Claude Moraes
Tam Burke
Branch Organiser
National Library of Scotland PROSPECT
Ben Drake
Branch Secretary
York City UNISON
George Binette
Convenor/Joint International Officer
Liz Leicester
Chair/Joint International Officer
Frances Kelly
Steward (in Personal Capacity)
Manchester Unison
Agnes Lingaid
Branch Secretary
Harlow Trades Council
Anne McCormack
St Helens Met UNISON
Plymouth Trade Union Council
Plymouth UNISON
Mike Gaskog
Shop Steward
Mike Jones
Gloria Olaya
University of Edinburgh
Rachel Ray
Young Members Officer
Rob Sewell
Mark Story
Sussex University
Tony Staunton
Chair International Committee of South West UNISON
Mark Turner
Branch Secretary
Cardiff County UNISON Branch
Alan Woods
Hands Off Venezuela
Gladys Zuluago
Movimiento Indigena