The Barrancabermeja Committee of the Colombian Trade Union Federation (CUT) rejects the vile assassination of one of our comrades JORGE GUILLEN LEAL, 33 years old, that took place on 23 July at 2.30 pm in the barrio Covida in the municipality of Barrancabemeja. The murder was carried out by two individuals who arrived at his house in a taxi and then shot him. His wife was at home at the time with one of his two children who was doing his school homework. Jorge was the father of two young children, a girl and a boy of 10 and 5 years old.
Jorge had worked at the Colombian Fertilizer Company for the last 10 years and was a member of the trade union SINTRAINQUIGAS, where he was a member of the management committee until 2005.
Trade unionists, human rights defenders and peace activists make an urgent call to the Nacional and local government that they stop the regime of murders, threats and forced displacement that has been unleashed against the civilian population.
We know that it is the paramilitary groups who are responsible for these crimes, despite the fact that the government continues to talk of “demobilisation”. The structures of the paramilitary groups remain intact and since the supposed demobilisation of the Central Bolivar Block of the paramilitary AUC, these crimes have actually increased. These crimes are aggravated by the fact that the authorities announce daily through the press, that absolutely nothing is happening in Barrancabermeja.
We Demand:
* That the National Government respect the lives of trade unionists in Colombia and carry out a genuine dismantling of the structures of ultra right wing paramilitary groups. We demand a full investigation into the murder of our comrade and punishment for those responsible.
We Ask:
* That the International Community send messages of protest to the Colombian Government, holding them responsible for the systematic persecution of the Colombian trade union movement and attempts to finish it off once and for all. Please demand full guarantees for our activity in line with International norms.
* That national organisations pronounce to the national and local government, their rejection of the blood bath that is occurring in our municipality, as well as the immediate capture of those responsible for the murder of our comrade and for the humanitarian crisis that has gripped this
oil town.
Pleases end messages of protest to the following / Enviar notas de protesta
a: (sample letter below):
Dr. Álvaro UribeVélez
Presidente de la Republica
Fax: 57 1 566 2071
Dr. Francisco Santos.
Vicepresidente de Colombia
Dr. Carlos Franco
Director del Programa de Derechos Humanos de Vicepresidencia
Dr. Edgardo Jose Maya Villazón
Procurador General de la Nacion.
Dr. Volmar Antonio Perez Ortiz
Defensor del Pueblo
Fax: 57 1 6400491
Dr. Michael Frühling
Oficina del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los derechos humanos.
Fax: 57 1 6293637
Dear Sirs
I am writing once again to demand that the Colombian government do all in its powers to stop the persecution of the social movement in Barrancabermeja and the Magdalena del Medio region. Despite your talk of a ceasefire and demobilisations, paramilitary groups in the area remain intact and continue their targeting of trade unions and social organisations. I demand an immediate and full investigation into their continued activity, and into the vile murder of trade unionist Jorge Guillen Leal who was killed in Barrancabermeja on 23 July 2006, the latest in a string of attacks against social movement activists. I look forward to a Government pronouncement on these events and the humanitarian crisis in Barrancabermeja.
LA CENTRAL UNITARIA DE TRABAJADORES CUT COMITÉ BARRANCABEREMEJA, rechaza y condena el vil asesinato de nuestro compañero JORGE GUILLEN LEAL de 33 años de edad, ocurrido el pasado 23 de Julio hacia las 2:30 pm en el barrio Coviba de esta municipalidad. El crimen fue perpetrado por dos individuos que se movilizaban en un taxi quienes llegaron a su sitio de residencia y procedieron a ultimar con arma de fuego al compañero, en la casa se encontraba su esposa y uno de sus hijos quien estaba realizando sus tareas en la sala del inmueble. El compañero JORGE era padre de dos pequeños, una niña y un niño de escasos cinco y diez año de edad.
El compañero JORGE laboraba con la empresa FERTILIZANTES DE COLOMBIA S.A. desde hace diez años y era afiliado al sindicato SINTRAINQUIGAS, hizo parte de la junta directiva del sindicato hasta el periodo pasado en el año 2.005.
Los sindicalistas, Defensores de Derechos Humanos y los militantes de la vida hacemos un energico llamado al Gobierno Local y Nacional para que cesen los asesinatos, amenazas y el desplazamiento forsozo de que venimos siendo objeto la poblacion civil en general.
Sabemos que son los PARAMILITARES los autores de toda esta barbarie y que, a pesar de que el gobierno sigue en su discurso de la "DESMOVILIZACION", las estructuras de estas organizaciones siguen intactas; despuès de esta supuesta desmovilizacion del Bolque Central Bolivar se han incrementado todos estos actos delictivos. Con el agravante que las autoridades en su discurso diario por los diferentes medios de comunicacion manifiestan que en Barrancabermeja no pasa absolutamente nada.
Al gobierno Nacional el respeto a la vida de los sidicalistas Colombianos y el verdadero desmonte de las estructuras de los grupos de Ultra Derecha. Asi como el exclarecimiento del excecrable crimen de nuestro compañero y el castigo a los responsables.
A la Comunidad Internacional enviar notas de protesta al estado Colombiano por la persecusion sistematica y de acabose al movimiento sindical. Exigiendoles las plenas garantias para el ejercicio de esta actividad protegida por normas internacionales.
A las organizaciones Nacionales hacer su pronunciamiento ante el gobierno nacional y local
exigiendo parar el baño de sangre de que es objeto nuestro municipio, asi como la captura pronta de los victimarios de nuestro compañero y de los causantes de toda esta crisis humanitaria en el puerto petrolero.