Community Mothers fight police
“Yesterday’s Community Mothers’ protest in front of the Colombia Institute of Family Welfare became a camped battle with police. The women, who were protesting against budget cuts, brought police intervention when they took over the four lanes of 68th Avenue.” El Tiempo 13th March 2003
Lorica Witnesses Symbolic Fish Burial
Two thousand people from ASPROCIG (Ciénaga Grande Producers and Community Development Association) marched through Lorica's main streets yesterday. The demonstrators symbolically buried a giant fish in protest at the environmental damage to the Sinú River caused by the Urra dam. The Association brings together peasant farmers, fisherfolk and the Embera Katio indigenous people all of whom call for the dismantling of the hydroelectric project. El Universal Cartagena, 15th March 2003
Lawyers Collective Win Human Rights Award
The “José Alvear Restrepo" Lawyers Collectibve was awarded the Martin Ennals prize on 31st March 2003 in Geneva, Switzerland for it outstanding and courageous work.
ETB Privatisation Blocked – For Now
SINTRATELEFONOS the union of telecommunicatons workers at Bogotá Telecommunications Corporation ETB has exposed corruption in the comany’s management. This action backed by a series of protests and marches has temporarily blocked privatisation. The union calls for international solidarity to help keep its services in the public sector. Contact: Sandra Cordero and